Ep. 65 Nutritional Levers

Subscribe Serious question: Is it lee-ver or lev-er? It’s been a while since I’ve done a short, sharp practical episode, so we’re back with one of my favourite strategies today! I’ve used the concept of “levers” to help people reframe how they’re approaching their fat loss goals and at the risk of sounding like a … Read More

Ep. 64: Set Point Theory

Subscribe Is your body weight pre-determined? Subscribe Transcript Jono (00:00.856) Welcome back to the Bite Me Nutrition podcast. I’m going to talk to you today about the set point theory. It’s probably something you’ve come across. I get lots of questions about it. It’s taken me a while to kind of put my thoughts together … Read More

Ep. 63: Nutrition for Menopause Pt.2 with Kat Georgeou

Subscribe All your menopause questions, answered! Kat’s back! After her first episode covering nutrition for menopause at a higher level, we’ve dived in deeper to some more specific topics like fat loss, lean body mass, metabolic changes, supplements and HRT! If you enjoyed the first episode but left with some questions, this answer has you … Read More

Ep. 62: The Dirty Dozen

Subscribe Wait isn’t that that old WW2 movie? The Dirty Dozen is a list of the most “heavily pesticided produce” developed by the Environmental Working Group. Sounds pretty legit right? Wrong. Listen in, and find out why this list is best avoided (but you can totally watch the WW2 movie of the same name) Time … Read More

Ep. 61: The Carnivore Diet

Subscribe Wait… plants are bad now? The carnivore diet has blown up over the past few years, so it’s time we separate the fact from the hype. Is it really dangerous? Or is it a new, exciting way to improve your diet and reduce your risk of disease? Give me 15 minutes and I’ll tell … Read More

Ep. 60: Dietary Nitrates

Subscribe Nitrates, nitrites, oh my! You might’ve heard in some contexts, nitrates can be really good for you. And then in other contexts, you’ve heard that nitrates are bad for you. The reality is both of those things are true. Listen to this episode if you want to know the difference! Time Stamps 00:00 Introduction … Read More

Ep. 59: Food and Inflammation

Subscribe Is inflammation really coming for us all? Food and inflammation is a hot (get it) topic at the moment. Like all hot topics, it’s encouraged a lot of silly people to say a lot of silly things. But not me! I’m almost never silly. Listen to this podcast to get the information and nuance … Read More

Ep. 58 Fasted Training with Jenna Stein

Subscribe Training fasted definitely burns more fat, right?? It’s a myth that needs its own podcast.  We are busting one final gym myth – is fasted training better for fat loss? You might be surprised! Time Stamps 00:00 Introduction and Overview 04:29 The Role of Glycogen in Fasting 08:10 Fat Oxidation vs. Fat Loss 13:28 … Read More

Ep. 57 Fat Loss and Life

Subscribe Eat less, move more, right? If you’ve ever had a weight loss goal, I suspect you’ve tried to eat a bit less, for a long block of time. Either an arbitrary block of time like 8 or 12 weeks, or just until you “hit your goal”.  Whilst there’s nothing overly wrong with this, it’s … Read More

Ep. 056 Kiwifruit & Constipation

Subscribe Can kiwifruit help you poo? Constipation is not a fun time, and although there are lots of broad and important strategies that can help manage it, sometimes you just need that final thing to push it over the edge.  Enter kiwifruit.  It’s got a few tricks up its sleeve that just might help you … Read More